Wonder Woman Review

Wonder Woman

“A Magical and heartwarming journey till the end “
The start to DCEU (DC cinemantic universe) hasn’t been a smooth one. MOS and BVS didn’t live upto the expectations exactly. While MOS tried to take on a classic hero in todays world and while BVS was good but the ideas it tried to potray were a bit difficult to get into the minds of the average cinemagoer and yes, things weren’t looking good. For a same reason I was a bit worried about Wonder Woman, traversing into unknown territory would it fail or succeed. Saw the movie last week and thankfully it had one o the problems.
From an Amazon unknown of her powers to a Godess fulfilling her destiny
Diana, Daughter of Hippolyta, the queen of Amazons, of the island of Themyscria is shielded from man and humans until one eventful day when a British intelligence soldier is saved by her. Now unknowingly being pulled into the WW1 and stop the never-ending war to Kill Ares, she finds out she is destined to be a larger part of something she never thought she was.

The movie starts on a bright note explaining Diana’s origins in a flashback portrayal. The casting and representation of the Amazons have been done amazingly. No longer they are the eye candies the way Hollywood expects but rather they are shown the way warrior women should be shown. The fight and training scenes are a treat to watch.
The chemistry between Steve Trevor ( Chris Pine ) and Diana (Gal Gadot) is just hearwarming and natural to see. Doesn’t feel forced at all and its nice to see a reversal from the damsel in distress portrayal for once in a film. Its not at all forced and the way it takes it forward feel completely vague and relatable evn though its something which it isn’t.
Brief Roles,but didn't feel forced at all

Each and every fight scene is a treat to watch, with probably one of the best defining moments of the movie came in the second later half of the film and which proudly gave us the best representation of the coming-of-era of a female superhero film. The fight in the last part feels a bit shoddy and letdown compared to the ground realism and awesomely choreographed fight scenes earlier along with exquisitely timed slo mo.
This was undoubtly the start of the most awe inspiring scene

The supporting cast did a really great job at representing their characters. Everyone had their flaws but in face of all banded together in a war which made it look so real.
Unlike other DCEU movies, this one built up the action slowly and gracefully, making it easier for a larger part of the audience to connect and even those who don’t follow complicated convoluted plots of superhero movies it was very easily understandable. Now if we divide the movie into 4 parts, the action and temp built up till the 2 parts, and the third act was the most awe inspiring and dramatic one , the 4 part and the ending fight did fail to justify the movie a bit, but that’s a lesser problem in face of the grand picture.
With the message of the movie being simple and short about war and also serving as an inspiration to woman in real life. Wonder Woman is probably one of the best superhero movies to ever grace the screen. Holding a simple path it does a really good job and Gal Gadot looks like she was born to bring the princess to life. Wonder Woman is a must watch even if you aren’t a comic book movies fan. A big cheers to the Wonder Woman team for making an amazing and refreshing movie.
