Spiderman Homecoming : Review

Spiderman and Avengers. To a comic fan, this sounds quite normal because it is the normal path to go. But due to creative differences and studio rights ( Spiderman belonged to Sony, Fox had X-Men and Fantastic Four while the rest of heroes were with Marvel studios ). The Sam Riami triology were in fact pretty good and no one thought about wanting any more . Come 2008, Iron Man releases and Robert Downey Jr.’s spectacular performance kick starts the Marvel shared universe. Come forward the Avengers movie and for the first time fans all over the world are treated to their favourite superheroes standing together on screen. No longer it was the solo hero who saved the end of the day, but finally a group of heroes. Even though heroes like Iron Man, Hulk weren’t that popular earlier, people started loving them more after this movie. To this it begged the question what if we could also see our favourite web-slinger with the Avengers? To every other fan it would be awesome cause that’s how it should always have been, Spidey’s been an integral part of the Avengers and his quip snipping personality was the welcome part the team needed much. But alas unlike the comics studio differences meant that we would never see the iconic hero with the avengers just like fox’s X-Men and FF , or would we?
After Tobey Maguire the next actor to take on the mantle of Spiderman would be Andrew Garfield. The Amazing Spiderman movie started off well and its sequel was even more ambitious. Basically Sony wanted to create their own shared universe of spiderman and his villains so tons of refrences and future plots were hinted in the sequel which was ended in an abrupt cliffhanger. But considering it didn’t do well enough in the box office despite all hype the universe was completely cancelled and rumours started of a deal between Sony and Marvel, and in the last moments of casting and inclusion Spiderman was finally introduced in a Marvel movie. Come Avengers 3 ( I know its called Captain America :Civil War, but come on it was more of like another Avenger movie ok ) and Tom Holland aka Peter Parker aka Spiderman was there. Finally after all these years Spiderman came back to the folds of Marvel, and you could argue his role in Civil War seemed a bit forced but nevertheless it was amazing to see a wisecracking spidey in his younger years and everyone loved it, essentially the cameo and post credits setting up and warranting a solo movie outing. The big questions, how will a younger Spiderman be, how will a universe full of heroes be here, blah blah blah… and all waited for the movie                        Spiderman : Homecoming.

Come 2017. Spiderman : Homecoming was released to positive reviews everywhere. Well now about the movie. Spiderman Homecoming actually deviates heavily from the source material of the original comics and film lore, borrowing only few elements and heavily changing the others to fit in with todays times and generation. The supporting cast of his friends roles are more or less the same but the races of particular well known characters have been changed but it doesn’t feel forced although to a comic purist like me it felt weird at first but it was nicely done. (spoliers : Liz allen was white in comics and so was Flash, he was also a dork and high school bully who intimidated and made Parker’s life worse and not an intellectual rival as he’s shown here). Seeing Spiderman in High School for the first time was a bit awkward and a hot aunt May ( no seriously she is ! ) also but it was done for the laughs.  And whatever this movie might be it doesn’t fail in that factor at all. The laughs were there and a plenty. Seeing Spiderman struggle with his time as a superhero , managing his new suit, his crush struggle and his new partner ( yes, Spiderman has a partner, that’s like a big deviation from the comics and stuff where he’s basically shown as a lone wolf struggling with heroism ) there wasn’t a moment where u feel bored. Every time before anything actually happens its very entertaining to see him like this. The comedic aspect of the movie is not lost at all and Tom Holland’s portrayal of a coming of age hero is fun and quite entertaining to watch. The incorporation of the Marvel shared universe such as the Avengers one has been neatly done. Iron man doesn’t take up too much of screen time and thankfully I wasn’t waiting for him all the time to reappear so that gives you an idea of how good the movie went without him too although he played an integral part in making the movie different from other Spiderman movies by ensuring this wasn’t a standalone move rather a Spiderman movie set part in the greater Marvel universe.
Now coming to Tom Holland, his portrayal of Peter Parker and Spiderman seems to be the funniest of all. From here and there and back and forth his Spiderman seems to be everywhere and I did miss the emotional appeal the old Parker used to have. The emotional touch of the Spiderman missing his old life and the sacrifices he has to make in order to ensure that his secret remains safe. The price of the secret is his loved ones and no matter what it is the biggest and gravest of all cosequences if it gets let out.
“With Great Power comes Great Responsbility” . This famous line is what makes Spiderman different from all other heroes. He never chose to be a hero, he was bestowed with this powers by accident and it was only the death of his beloved Uncle Ben which he couldn’t prevent made him take up the mantle of a true Hero. Now someone could argue that it wasn’t necessary to have that since it wasn’t an origin story and he was already a hero, but was he? The mentor role hero was done nicely by Iron Man who made him believe that he could be a hero still without a suit. It was that kick which he needed finally to realise , but in all trueness it wasn’t effective like the first Spiderman movie. The plot inspite of all refrences and connections to marvel’s larger universe it was very simple and straightforward staying true to the movie’s name. With most of the foucs on Peter’s school life the plot was amusingly charming and simple. But in due respect it missed a heavy point with its emotional appeal and something which would have made it stand out. Plot wise thus, I don’t have much to complain and Michael Keaton did a brilliant job as the Vulture and he wasn’t your usual typical run of the mill villain with the simple motive but the black and grey portrayal. It was brilliantly done, but after a watch it feels like there could have been so much more.
The only true chord the movie strikes is the fact that it truly resembles the story of a coming of age of a young hero and realising the potential in him to be even greater even though he knows he has still a long way to go.
If you are seeing this movie, you will have a good time. And even if you are a comic purist it might feel a bit awkward at times, but maybe the changes were required.  If you are a Spiderman fan, then you might have mixed views on it. A first time Spiderman movie, well then you will thoroughly enjoy it if not love it. But if I think of it not as a Spiderman movie , rather a movie of a boy with powers and iron   man, well this movie was fantastic.

In all, this movie was a joyride if you don’t think much about it anyway.
