Justice League Analysis and Opinion

Justice League
Analysis & Opinion 

Watching BVS and leaving the theatres, fanboys like me had but on question, now what? Everyone has been teased, now when will we finally see all of the league together! Come Nov 17 and our prayers have been answered. While there has been a serious disdain over DC films over recent times comparing with Marvel, I do not go by this at all. Seeing my favourite characters come to life on big screen is way enough for me and we all should embrace it that way and each to its own. Enough of a intro, now time for an unconventional review of the movie. 

I look at Justice League a bit differently than others, although many might share my opinion too. Seeing the movies of DCEU one by one, I have come to this conclusion that while Man of Steel was about the birth of Superman, BVS was about his death and here Justice League was about his resurrection and change into the icon of hope we all know. The start of this movie hasn’t been a smooth one with negative comments plaguing it and Synder’s daughter’s untimely death and the fact that Joss Whedon had been pulled into the project for last minute reshoots and editing. But the trailers that kept coming kept the fans excited and overall at the end it turned out to be quite good if not amazing. 

It was Fun as each Hero behaved just like they were actually supposed to do on banding together suddenly !

Basically from the events of the last film (BVS cause Wonder Woman cannot be counted as its prequel now can it) Batman has a change of heart that man can still be trusted and be good and there might be an attack coming for which he needs to find other people with abilities and powers.  Batman is still reeling from the fact that Superman’s death was in a way his fault and now the world is in dire need of someone that they can look towards to for hope. 


Lets name it the "Tactical Batsuit "

Aquaman, Cyborg and Flash all need to be recruited by Bruce and Diana for their team. Steppenwolf is the bad guy here, who had invaded Earth thousands of years ago to join the 3 Mother boxes but the combined forces of Atleanteans, Humans and Amazons along with gods and beings like Green Lanterns (yesss ) defeated him and drove him away. With each box given to a faction for safekeeping. He is back and easily gets hold of the boxes but not before the Justice League use the power of the box to resurrect Superman. And in the end Superman shows up and finally helps them defeat him and we see Bruce and Diana planning for their new headquarters and the good old scenes of heroes coming back again. Post credits, well 2 to be practical but only 1 served as a plot development part. First one was the race between Super and Barry and second one was Deathstroke meeting Lex who has a proposal to form a league of their own , hmm Legion of Doom anyone .

Deathstroke was unexpected

 We get to see a brief intro and interaction of each character setting up their behaviour and all that will be in the movie.
Personally throughout the movie, I felt that the chemistry between the heroes felt very natural. Each one behaved just as they were supposed to be. Cyborg felt a bit unused but Flash stole the scenes, just like his comic counterpart unexperienced and funny as hell. And since this piece is more of an opinion rather than a review, I personally ship for WonderBat now. You gotta admit it, yes Bruce pushed her a bit over Steve but then the way they both apologised to each other and saying “now she’s glad “ at the end, you don’t say there nothing between them do u ! Bruce acting as a mentor and a Batman against godly odds was perfect. I still say, as a Batman, Ben Affleck has to be probably the best one yet. Aquaman finally brought the respect back to the hero and well now what do I say about Gal Gadot huh.
The Amazonian is impeccable as ever 

 This movie is full of humours scenes but they didn’t feel forced at all. Full of moments which felt like they were directly ripped out from comics . Before anyone screams, yes there were flaws in the movie and I have to agree to that. The first half felt a lot rushed, but thankfully the later character chemistry didn’t make it feel so. And the epic fight wasn’t as epic as I thought it would be, but nevertheless it was ok for showing the return of Superman. 
Anyone Shipping WonderBat ? ;)
Could we have actually used more screen time or maybe Zack Synder’s original uncut version would have been the right one or maybe the cancelled script with extra scenes and green lantern and all would have been better. 
See, now this sets up nicely for the part 2 and yes, trust me Darkseid is gonna be a boss when he shows up.Being a comic book fan this movie didn’t live upto my highest expectations on actually thinking about it, but I wasn’t bored for a single moment while watching it and I actually loved it as a whole. Ok this movie didn’t have those serious contemplations nor any awe inspiring scene of super heroism, but it was fun, likeable and at the end it was a good movie. Now DC lets see what have you got for us next !

And people complaining need to stop, we are in the Golden Age of Superhero movies and come on stop whining over every small thing and lets start enjoying all this. Its not gonna last always right, so why not make the best of the time we have got now. This is literally our time and lets make the most of it :).

Anyway heres a small merge mash of all scenes from the trailers featuring Barry Allen :D 
P.s. Subscribe to my channel too :P
